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My 5 Japanese Books-to-Read List

A list of books which gives a glimpse into Japanese society and life. Photo by  Robby McCullough  on  Unsplash When I am not working or busy going about my daily life, I spend whatever free time I have left, reading. I love reading fiction as it provides a cheapest and convenient form of escapism and travel, and I love reading non-fiction as it provides a gateway into the world of knowledge to satisfy my curiosity. I have been reading different types of books at different points of my life, depending on my “mood” or what I went through at that point in time. Lately, I have been reading books relating to Japanese philosophy and culture ever since  my first spiritual trip to Japan in 2019  in search of inner peace. I set up a  book review page on Instagram , where I connect with fellow book lovers to share our love of books, discuss the books we read and recommend to each other what we may like, although it is hard for me to recommend because I know we all have different taste, perspecti

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